
quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

[D&D Next] Playtest anunciado!

Sejam bem vindos, Nobres Aventureiros!

À todos que estavam se questionando como seria o novo Dungeons & Dragons, agora temos uma data para essa dúvida praticamente se extinguir.

Ontem, Mike Mearls comentou que será aberto o Playtest a partir de 24 de Maio! Olhe só o que ele escreveu em sua coluna:
I am surprised, and frankly saddened, by Monte’s decision to leave the D&D Next design team. I’d like to thank him for his contribution, and we all wish him well. As we close the first phase of the D&D Next project, I’m excited to share with you all what phase 2 has in store.
It is my pleasure to announce that our public playtest for the D&D Next project will commence on May 24th. The playtest is the single most important part of the D&D Next process. D&D is a game that has spanned 38 years of gaming, spawned countless campaigns, and launched an entire gaming genre.
Personally, I can’t count how many friends I’ve made through D&D, or how many hours I’ve spent playing the game, building worlds, or just talking about it with friends. Yet while D&D is an intensely personal game, taken as a whole it cannot afford to become something beholden to one team’s vision. D&D is a tool for creativity. The game must embrace the entirety of its past, and the entirety of its fandom, in order to create a compelling future. No one voice can rise above the others, unless it is the voice of D&D fans as a whole.
The public playtest is your chance to shape the future of D&D, your opportunity to share with us your creative vision for the game. If there are creative differences between the designers and gamers, then surely the needs and vision of D&D gamers will win out. D&D Next is your game.
In the coming weeks, the Legends & Lore column will provide insight into the materials in the playtest and our plans to roll out content. The curtain is about to go up on our stage debut. On a personal level, and I think I speak for the entire D&D Next team – Bruce Cordell, Rob Schwalb, Jeremy Crawford, Rodney Thompson, Miranda Horner, and Tom LaPille – when I say that we are all excited to hear what you think about our progress. We had a great response at D&D Experience, the UK D&D Tweetup, and PAX East, but those were dress rehearsals. You can never be sure of where you stand until you have a full, live audience in front of you. Maybe you’ll cheer, or maybe you’ll engage in heated and passionate debate. In either case, we’re absolutely dedicated to making D&D Next a modular game, one rooted in the traditions of tabletop RPG play while poised to blaze a trail toward a vibrant, exciting future. In the end it is you, the audience, who will determine the future of D&D. The game is too big, and too important, to stand for anything less than that.
--Mike Mearls
Para quem não entende inglês, farei um resumo rápido do que ele falou:
1) Está triste com a saída de Monte Cook. (apenas uma frase falando disso! Parece que o rolo realmente estava entre os dois)
2) Dia 24 de Maio será aberto o PlayTest e esta é a fase mais importante do desenvolvimento do novo sistema.
3) Ele fez muitos amigos com D&D e blá-blá-blá... Esta nova edição precisa ter a "cara" do passado e do futuro.
4) O Playtest público é a nossa chance de formular o futuro do D&D.
5) Nas próximas semanas, a coluna Legens & Lore, falará mais sobre o assunto e dará mais detalhes práticos do sistema.
6) "No fim, será você, a audiência, que determinará o futuro do D&D. O jogo é muito grande e muito imporante, para se aceitar qualquer coisa menor do que isso."

Ps: Aproveito também, para fazer novamente a divulgação do ArcanoCast #004 - "A 5a edição is coming" e do ArcanoCast #007 - "O Winter está chegando... ainda". Se você ainda não ouviu, nós vamos estuprar sua cidade e pilhar suas mulheres!

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